We Love...
We take immense pride in being the recommended Hair and Makeup artists for numerous local wedding venues.
This is a title that is only earned through dedication, trusting relationships and allowing our talent to speak for itself.
Venues only ever recommend the best of the best to their Brides.
Our strong working relationship with these venues has proven to be a key element in making the wedding morning a smooth and enjoyable experience for our brides. The trust established through our collaborations ensures seamless communication and coordination allowing us to focus on a stress free environment ensuring that the morning flows with ease.
Check out some of our faves:
During our 20 years of working within the industry we have built some strong working relationships with a team of fantastic suppliers. Suppliers we know, trust and have lasting working relationships with.
When your team of suppliers already know one another this makes for a seamless, relaxed wedding one we pride ourselves on providing.
Suppliers We Love...
"Michelle's vibrant personality lights up the room.
Her energy is infectious, making even the earliest morning bridal preparations feel like a celebration. She's not just a makeup artist and hairstylist; she's a friend, a confidante, and a source of endless positivity.
What truly sets Michelle apart is her genuine care and attentiveness to her clients' needs.
She takes the time to listen, to understand their vision, and then works her magic to bring it to life.
Working alongside Michelle has been a privilege and an inspiration. Her kindness, professionalism, and unwavering commitment to excellence make her an invaluable asset to any bridal party"